Thursday, August 23, 2012

Checking In

Hey blog, how have you been? Good? Well I know I haven't been around in a few days and haven't even bothered to check in. Well you see, I have been sick. Yep you heard right, sick in the middle of August!
So Instead of enjoying my week creating lovely blog posts, I have been laying in bed coughing and trying to sleep but I haven't been able to because I cant breath out of my nose so I try and sit up and sleep... And you can figure out how the rest goes. But thankfully after many days of feeling awful and crying and whining to boyfriend about how awful I feel. I am finally starting to feel a little like myself again! Yep. But unfortunately for you blog, I have decided to take the rest of the week off. So there will be no new posts for you until Monday. I know, sad! But I just don't feel like sitting at my desk staring at my computer screen trying to come up with something totally awesome to make. When to be honest I just don't care at this moment. Because all I can think about is when will I be able to breath like a normal person again. Hopefully soon!
Well I hope you enjoy this lovely day! I will be laying in bed trying to kick this sicknesses ass!


  1. Sorry to read that you are sick in the middle of the summer, I hope you will get better soon.
